
S.A.R.L. ST-TIC Web is the owner of the web site
Address: S.A.R.L. ST-TIC Web, HAY MOHAMMADI NORD, UNITÉ SUPPLÉMENTAIRE N°76, Marrakesh 40070, Morocco.

S.A.R.L. ST-TIC Web is registered in the Register of Trade and Companies (R.C.S.) of Marrakesh under number 58821.

Patente number: 45193422. Date of registration: September 19, 2013

The on-line shop is the property of S.A.R.L. Artisanat du Sud.

Web Site hosting is provided by OVH, 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.

This entire Web site raises Moroccan and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All rights reserved, including documents and photographs.

Personal Informations

In general, you can visit our website without telling us who you are neither providing personal information about you. However, in some cases we may ask you to enter your information. For example, to process an order.

Protection of Privacy

The personal information you have provided will be used for the sole purpose of sending you an order or to answer a specific request. We will never use your personal data for marketing activities or to be disclosed to third parties.

Your personal data will be stored in a secured database

"Artisanat du Sud" may send a newsletter exclusively for people who have requested it.


Concept and production : ST-TIC Web © 2011 / 2016

This Web site was created using PrestaShop™ open-source software.

"Artisanat du Sud" is a trade mark created by ST-TIC Web S.A.R.L.